Pack Bowling Outing 2018

Hooray! Pack 490 achieved their Popcorn Fundraising goal! In order to reward our scouts for all of their hard work, we celebrated with a bowling party at Chaparral Lanes. The kids had a blast bowling, playing arcade games, and eating tons of pizza. Way to go with all of your hard work, Pack 490!

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Wolf Den Outing Sheriff Station 2018

One of the requirements for a wolf adventure is to visit a first responder’s station. Our wolf den had a blast exploring and touring the San Dimas Sherriff’s department! They learned a lot of new things about what it is like to be a first responder and even got to check out the police cars […]

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Lego Derby 2018

It is that time of year again, Lego Derby! We at Pack 490 love the Lego Derby because it gives even the littlest of scouts the opportunity to build their derby cars 100% on their own. A lego themed pack meeting filled with lots of racing and trophies always a blast!

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Lion & Tiger Safari 2018

Lions and Tigers get to do Day camp, too! Rather than an entire week, the younger scouts get to spend the day doing what scouts love most! Shooting sports, water sports, and outdoor fun! This day camp is held at our local council camp, Camp Trask. Scouts do fun activities and work toward new belt […]

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